>>> printlabelz()

>>> print(orientation)

>>> aromantic

>>> heartlezz / heartlezz aro

>>> lovelezz / lovelezz aro

>>> azexual

>>> aegozexual

>>> fictozexual

>>> objectum / objectophile

>>> techzexual

>>> digizexual

>>> agalmatophile

>>> print(gender)

>>> demiboy

>>> transmasc / transmasculine

>>> nonbinary / non-binary

>>> genderqueer

>>> xenogender

>>> xenic / xenine

>>> nonhuman

>>> robogender

>>> codegender

>>> webcoric

>>> glitchcoric

>>> clowncoric

>>> juggalogender

>>> traumagender

>>> Shkizeingender

>>> print(mizc)

>>> otherkin

>>> fictionkin

>>> computerkin

>>> aikin

>>> trollkin (homeztuck)

>>> cobaltblood

>>> oliveblood

>>> print(medicalztuff)

>>> putting theze here becauze they affect how i interact with people

>>> obzezzive compulzive dizorder

>>> major deprezzive dizorder

>>> pozt traumatic ztrezz dizorder

>>> zchizophrenia (early onzet)

>>> bazically my brain doezn't work :]

>>> i uze a zcreenreader. i do have vizion izzuez, but not to the point I require it. however, my zchizophrenia affects the way i read a lot, enough that it'z pretty difficult.

>>> print(homepage)